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发表于 2005-11-2 10:19:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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<> <P>喬許葛洛班(Josh Groban)</P><P>You Raise Me Up</P><P>一首赞美诗音乐.涤荡心灵的一首曲子.</P><P>全美年度唱片銷售最佳男歌手 西洋樂壇的心靈捕手喬許葛洛班Josh Groban <BR>喬許的男中音音質兼具流行音樂的浪漫抒情、古典音樂的聖潔優雅與歌劇音樂的戲劇活力。</P><P>When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;<BR>When troubles come and my heart burdened be;<BR>Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,<BR>Until <FONT color=red>you</FONT> come and sit awhile with <FONT color=red>me</FONT>.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, so I can stand on mountains;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, to walk on stormy seas;<BR>I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>… To more than I can be.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, so I can stand on mountains;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, to walk on stormy seas;<BR>I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>… To more than I can be.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, so I can stand on mountains;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, to walk on stormy seas;<BR>I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>… To more than I can be.<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, so I can stand on mountains;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>, to walk on stormy seas;<BR>I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>… To more than I can be.<BR><FONT color=red>You</FONT> <FONT color=red>raise</FONT> <FONT color=red>me</FONT> <FONT color=red>up</FONT>… To more than I can be.<BR><BR></P><P><EMBED src=http://kai.lierda.com/van/Josh_Groban_-_You_Raise_Me_Up.mp3 width=400 height=100 type=audio/mpeg autostart="true" ShowStatusBar="1"></P><P>&nbsp;</P><p>[此帖子已被 黑泡泡 在 2005-11-7 14:10:37 编辑过]
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