<p><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/20070108213042918620059b8743039e57f71cda9730cd500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/20070108213042918620059b8743039e57f71cda9730cd500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a></p><p><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/200701082222510f67bcb950454d2293bb4b43e2b7c0d9500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/200701082222510f67bcb950454d2293bb4b43e2b7c0d9500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /></p><p>英国民谣歌手尼克-德雷克(Nick Drake)和The Beatles、Donovan同一时代,但是并不为很多人所知。1948年,他出生于缅甸仰光,1974年,因服用了过多的抗抑郁剂,死在家中,生前仅出过3张唱片。 有乐评人说,尼克-德雷克是个在月亮上歌唱的人,声音总飘浮在空中,也有人说,他的歌像水雾,阴郁、潮湿,挥之不去。Drake的民谣是低调的,缘自一颗不知如何打开的心 。出第一张专辑以前,他常常彻夜写歌,然后用老式录音机记录下来,稍有不满就抹去重来。母亲Molly Drake回忆说:“他总是失眠,那些最好的歌往往是在凌晨写下的……Nick是个追求完美的人。” <br /></p><p>Drake早期的创作受到John Renbourn、Bert Jansch、Davey Graham、Joni Mitchell等人的影响,注重旋律和吉他的编排。他有一套自己的演奏方法,许多歌都采用了开放式调弦,这也成了乐迷们热衷于探讨的内容,因为他没有留下任何乐谱,一切都记在脑子里。Drake喜欢英国诗人William Blake的作品,写词时也受到启发,注重韵律,用词简单,却有着晦涩的含义,直指他复杂的内心世界。那些意象多与自然相关:太阳、天空、海洋、飞鸟、沙地,树……季节的变迁,色彩的交替,无不在这颗心上留下痕迹。 <br /><br /><br /><br />也许就是因了这些,Drake被制作人Joe Boyd看中。当时Boyd已是英国乐坛的重要人物,为Fairport Convention、The Incredible String Band以及Pink Floyd等乐队制作过专辑。Boyd听了Drake的磁带,立即决定与这位20岁的年轻人签约。一年后(1969年),Nick Drake的首张专辑《Five Leaves Left》发表。 <br /><br /><br /><br />“Five Leaves Left”是句常被写在香烟的包装纸上的话,意在要人们警惕当一包烟只剩下五支的时候就又要买新的了。Drake拿它做专辑名,全凭了直觉;而现在人们往往把它理解为一种预言,认为它暗示了Drake短暂的一生。乐评人大家赞赏这张唱片,然而它的销路并不好,Drake没有想到专辑会受此冷遇,逐渐变得消沉,他开始无法参加现场演出,面对听众成了一件困难的事。 <br /><br /><br />不过他并没有放弃努力,1970年,他与Fairport Convention的成员合作,录制了第二张专辑《Bryter Layter》。由于得到Richard Thompson、John Cale等人的帮助,歌曲的配器精致而丰满,一些作品中还融合了Jazz元素,即使以现在的眼光,这张专辑也是极为出色的。然而销量又一次让Nick Drake失望了,他渐渐丧失了对音乐和生活的信心。 <br /><br /><br /><br />1972年,就在人们认为Drake的音乐生涯彻底结束的时候,他再次走进了录音棚。而且只有一把吉他,Drake像个孤注一掷的赌徒,濒临崩溃的人。两天后,《Pink Moon》录制完成,11首不加雕琢的歌组成了他的第三张专辑。Drake不再寻求认同,他唱道:“Know that I love you/Know I don’t care/Know that I see you/Know I’m not there.”--这首歌叫做“Know”,只有这四句话和一个和弦。 <br /><br /><br /><br />1974年,Drake录制了最后的4首歌,它们被收进作者死后发表的专辑,《Time of No Reply》,一同出版的还有他早期录在磁带上的一些歌。像19世纪早逝的浪漫主义诗人一样,Drake的作品受到后人的重视,然而对于敏感的灵魂来说,这一切都太晚了,仿佛生命开的玩笑。 <br /><br /><br /><br />Nick Drake是孤单的,你甚至无法想象他抱着吉他坐在你的对面歌唱,因为孤单无法分享。如果说民谣是一种直接自然的表达方式,那么Drake的“表达”则是向内的,更接近于空旷房间里的自言自语,只因为他不放弃寻求认同,才一次又一次地失望--即便这失望也是他隐隐预感到的罢,所以他才唱道:名誉是棵生了病的果树,一生等不来一树繁华。 </p><p><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222333b13a08a993294b03884cdeca16e33521500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222333b13a08a993294b03884cdeca16e33521500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222349cc2aab287cdf4396a961613399c97887500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222349cc2aab287cdf4396a961613399c97887500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{373C301A-BCCA-4E9E-8729-7E12F0CEB378}.htm"><strong>www.st020.cn/play/{373C301A-BCCA-4E9E-8729-7E12F0CEB378}.htm</strong></a><strong>Clothes of Sand</strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p>Who has dressed you in strange clothes of sand <br />Who has taken you far from my land <br />Who has said that my sayings were wrong <br />And who will say that I stayed much too long? <br />Clothes of sand have covered your face <br />Given you meaning but taken my place <br />So make your way on down to the sea <br />Something has taken you so far from me <br />Does it now seem worth all the colour of skies <br />To see the earth through painted eyes <br />To look through panes of shaded glass <br />See the stains of winter's grass <br />Can you now return to from where you came <br />Try to burn your changing name <br />Or with silver spoons and coloured light <br />Will you worship moons in winter's night <br />Clothes of sand have covered your face <br />Given you meaning but taken my place <br />So make your way on down to the sea <br />Something has taken you so far from me</p><p></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.playyy.com/play/75032.htm"><strong>www.playyy.com/play/75032.htm</strong></a><strong>Joey</strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p>Joey will come to see your flowers <br />Joey will come to while away your hours <br />But she will tell you you're not so good for her <br />She wouldn't be there if it could be that you were. <br />Joey has loved but never shown her tears <br />So she may laugh in the autumn of your years <br />And when you're with her, you'll wonder if it's true <br />All they said of a world without you. <br />Where she may come from <br />Where she may go <br />Who she may run from <br />No one will know <br />Why she was late may trouble you some <br />Still you wait for Joey to come. <br />Joey will come when once more it looks like snow <br />Joey will come when it's really time to go <br />And you may smile when you find that you've been wrong <br />You thought you'd found her but she knew you all along </p><p></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{9DF53FA9-4E35-4E45-8571-231DF0E1FF0C}.htm"><strong>www.st020.cn/play/{9DF53FA9-4E35-4E45-8571-231DF0E1FF0C}.htm</strong></a><strong>Hanging on a Star</strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p>Why leave me hanging on a star <br />When you deem me so high <br />When you deem me so high <br />When you deem me so high. <br /><br />And why leave me sailing in a sea <br />When you hear me so clear <br />When you hear me so clear <br />When you hear me so clear. <br /><br />And why leave me hanging on a star <br />When you deem me so high <br />When you deem me so high <br />When you deem me so high. </p><p><br /><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="http://www.playyy.com/play/75029.htm"><strong>www.playyy.com/play/75029.htm</strong></a><strong>Rider on the Wheel </strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p>And now you know my name <br />But i don't feel the same <br />But i ain't gonna blame <br />The rider on the wheel. <br /><br /><br />You know my song is new <br />You know it's new for you <br />I tell you how it's true <br />For the rider on the wheel. <br /><br /><br />And round and round we go <br />We take it fast and slow <br />I must keep up a show <br />For the rider on the wheel <br />For the rider on the wheel. <br /><br /><br />And now you know my name <br />But i don't feel the same <br />But i ain't gonna blame <br />The rider on the wheel <br />The rider on the wheel.</p><p><br /></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.playyy.com/play/75033.htm"><strong>www.playyy.com/play/75033.htm</strong></a><strong>Thoughts of Mary Jane</strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p>Who can know <br />The thoughts of mary jane <br />Why she flies <br />Or goes out in the rain <br />Where she's been <br />And who she's seen <br />In her journey to the stars. <br /><br /><br />Who can know <br />The reasons for her smile <br />What are her dreams <br />When they've journeyed for a mile <br />The way she sings <br />And her brightly coloured rings <br />Make her the princess of the sky. <br /><br /><br />Who can know <br />What happens in her mind <br />Did she come from a strange world <br />And leave her mind behind <br />Her long lost sighs <br />And her brightly coloured eyes <br />Tell her story to the wind.<br /><br /><br />Who can know <br />The thoughts of mary jane <br />Why she flies <br />Or goes out in the rain <br />Where she's been <br />And who she's seen <br />In her journey to the stars.</p><p><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{EEA7CE3B-50BB-4646-8427-BD0607E59BFE}.htm"><strong>www.st020.cn/play/{EEA7CE3B-50BB-4646-8427-BD0607E59BFE}.htm</strong></a>Three hours</p><p></p><p>Three hours from sundown <br />Jeremy flies <br />Hoping to keep <br />The sun from his eyes <br />East from the city <br />And down to the cave <br />In search of a master <br />In search of a slave. <br />Three hours from London <br />Jacomo's free <br />Taking his woes <br />Down to the sea <br />In search of a lifetime <br />To tell when he's home <br />In search of a story <br />That's never been known. <br />Three hours from speaking <br />Everyone's flown <br />Not wanting to be <br />Seen on their own <br />Three hours is needed <br />To leave from them all <br />Three hours to wonder <br />And three hours to fall. <br />Three hours from sundown <br />Jeremy flies <br />Hoping to keep <br />The sun from his eyes <br />East from the city <br />And down to the cave <br />In search of a master <br />In search of a slave. </p><p><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{D3D2E73A-72C9-47F4-86E3-32013ED1DDF3}.htm"><strong>www.st020.cn/play/{D3D2E73A-72C9-47F4-86E3-32013ED1DDF3}.htm</strong></a>River man</p><p></p><p>Betty came by on her way. <br />Said she had a word to say. </p><p>About things today. <br />And fallen leaves. <br /><br />Said she hadn't heard the news. <br />Hadn't had the timeto choose. <br />A wayto lose. But she believes</p><p>Goingto see the river man. </p><p>Goingto tell him all I can. <br />About the plan. <br />For lilac time. <br /><br />If he tells me all he knows. <br />About the way his river flows. <br />And all night shows. <br />In summertime. <br /><br />Betty said she prayed today. <br />For the skyto blow away. <br />Or maybe stay. <br />She wasn't sure. <br /><br />For when she thought of summer rain. <br />Callingfor her mind again. <br />She lost the pain. <br />And stayed for more. <br /><br />Goingto see the river man. <br />Goingto tell him all I can. <br />About the ban. <br />On feeling free. <br /><br />If he tells me all he knows. <br />About the way his river flows. <br />I don't suppose. <br />It's meant for me. <br />Oh,how they come & go.</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{3A390F20-21EC-4D78-9E42-4E361DBF7814}.htm"><strong>www.st020.cn/play/{3A390F20-21EC-4D78-9E42-4E361DBF7814}.htm</strong></a><strong>Voices</strong></p><p><strong><a target="_blank" href="http://www.st020.cn/play/{AD2A7008-D091-43BD-88D5-43AFDE5A91C8}.htm">www.st020.cn/play/{AD2A7008-D091-43BD-88D5-43AFDE5A91C8}.htm</a>Time of No Reply</strong></p><p><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222433e6013971d7e5466992cc98b7b7c38f76500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/20070108222433e6013971d7e5466992cc98b7b7c38f76500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/200701082224339c61e873d28f4d4396963ecc781d838e500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/200701082224339c61e873d28f4d4396963ecc781d838e500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="/User/2007/01/08/2007010822243366ce206d55534df788b8391167ecca48500x0.jpg"><img alt="" border="0" src="/User/2007/01/08/2007010822243366ce206d55534df788b8391167ecca48500x0.jpg" ="this.src='/oldbbs/err_photo.gif'" onload="javascript:if(this.width>550)this.width=550;" /></a><br /><br /></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p>