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发表于 2005-8-31 18:00:00
IP归属地: 中国重庆
登山活动 Climbing<br>
行军计划 Schedule,Acting Plan<br>
走吧 Let's go! Let's start<br>
休息吧 Let's(take a)rest/break!<br>
上去吧 Let's go up to<br>
上,登,攀 Climb/go up<br>
下 Go down/descend<br>
结组 Roped-up team<br>
固定绳索 To fix a rope<br>
保护 To belay<br>
打锥 To drive a piton(into the ice/rock)<br>
打雪杖 To drive in an ice stake<br>
挂铁锁 To fix(attack) a carabiner<br>
挂小绳套 To put a sling<br>
穿绳索 To thread the rope<br>
那么,开始爬 I am coming up now<br>
拉绳索 <br>
松绳索 To rappel<br>
到了 Here we are<br>
解除保护 Belay off!<br>
已做好保护 Ready for belay!<br>
绳索固定好了 I have fixed the rope<br>
可以走了 You can come up. OK,come up!<br>
联成结组 To rope up<br>
把~用在这里 Let's use——for it!<br>
架梯子 To set a ladder<br>
打开报话机 To call(up)<br>
联络的时间到了 It is time to call<br>
固定~ To fix<br>
好了 To release<br>
~有危险 It is dangerous that<br>
~因为有危险 It is dangerous,because of<br>
快快走吧 Let's hurry up!<br>
慢慢走吧 Let's take easily!<br>
右边的裂缝 Crevasse to the right<br>
最左边的岩石 The peak on the far left<br>
右边的岩沟 The gully on your right<br>
那个岩石后面的平地 The plateau behind the rock<br>
前面的雪桥 The snow bridge in from<br>
(咱们)走吧 Let's go!<br>
算了吧 Let's stop!<br>
回去吧 Let's go back<br>
你走前面吧 You go first<br>
我走前面 I will go first<br>
右边的~ On your right. On the right<br>
左边的~ On your left. On the left<br>
前面的~ In front<br>
那边的~ Opposite. The orther side<br>
这边的~ This side<br>
上边的~ Above<br>
下边的~ Below<br>
里边的~ Inside<br>
~的后面的~ Behind<br>
~的前面的~ In front of<br>
装冰爪 To put on crampons<br>
绑好冰爪带子 To tie up crampons straps<br>
背背包 To put on a rucksack<br>
放下背包 To take off a rucksack<br>
从背包里拿出来 To take out from a rucksack<br>
把~放进背包里 To put in a rucksack<br>
拿~ To take<br>
支援 Support<br>
之字形攀登 Zigzag<br>
落脚点 Stance<br>
刨台阶 To cut steps,Step-cutting<br>
第一台阶 The first step<br>
露宿 Bivouac<br>
固定保护绳索 Fix<br>
~有雪崩的危险 There is a danger of avalanche<br>
请把雪拿进来,请拿块雪来 To gather snow<br>
请点火 To light the slove<br>
请把~取出来 Take it out<br>
请准备~ Prepare…,Get…ready…<br>
搅一搅 To mix up to<br>
化雪 To melt snow<br>
作开水 To make water<br>
把~装入水壶 To put into thermos<br>
把~放进锅里 To put into the cooker<br>
盖上锅盖儿 To put in the lid on the cooker<br>
盛饭 To serve in a dish<br>
甜 Sweet<br>
辣 Hot<br>
咸 Salty<br>
淡 Not enough seasoning<br>
吃 To eat<br>
喝 To drink<br>
煮 To boil<br>
作 To cook<br>
烧 To bake<br>
炒 To fry<br>
切碎 To chop<br>
把~整理一下 To clear up, To clean up<br>
睡觉吧 Let's sleep<br>
明天几点起床 What time shall we get up?<br>
垃圾 Rubbish, Garbage, Trash<br>
垃圾袋 Rubbish bag<br>
把雪块堆起来 To place blocks<br>
把~绑紧 To fasten stay<br>
搭帐篷 To pitch tent(camp)<br>
叠帐篷 To break camp<br>
打开~ To open<br>
把~关上 To close<br>