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发表于 2005-3-8 22:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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<>       1912年4月10日,一艘英国的巨轮从南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。一个英俊的年轻人用尽最后的一博,赢得了一生之中最难以忘怀的一张船票,也是他最后一张船票。谁又能想到,命运的安排是好还是坏,赢得了一场轰轰烈烈的爱情,却输掉了生命。毕竟是生命的终结完成了他最绚丽的命运,可另一个富家少女,却因为抛弃世俗,为了追求自己的爱情,为了对他的承诺,坚强的活了下来,于是成就了一段精彩的爱情故事!</P><P>   多年已逝,美丽的罗丝,也就是那个富家少女,已经是头发花白的老人了,可那晚发生的一切,依旧在她心中一直无法忘却!我不知道是历史成就了一段爱情,还是爱情完成了历史的使命。可是在人类灾难性的毁灭里,还有这么一场,让人落泪的爱情,足以让我们在茶余饭后,侃侃而谈!</P><P>    北大西洋的水,如今还是那么寒冷,年轻英俊的杰克,带着对生活的向往和生命的期盼,微笑着坠入了大海之中!看看他们的对话吧,有些时候我常常在想,在生死一线的时候,能让人这样做的,也许除了亲情,大概就只剩下真爱了吧!</P>JACK: That&#39s not what I was thinking. What I was thinking was... what could have happened to hurt this girl so much she thought she had no way out.    ROSE: I don&#39t... it wasn&#39t just one thing. It was everything. It was them, it was their whole world. And I was trapped in it, like an insect in amber. I just had to get away... just run and run and run...and then I was at the back rail and there was no more ship... even the Titanic wasn&#39t big enough. Not enough to get away from them. And before I&#39d really thought about it, I was over the rail. I was so furious. I&#39ll show them. They&#39ll sure be sorry!    JACK: Uh huh. They&#39ll be sorry. &#39Course you&#39ll be dead.    ROSE: Oh God, I am such an utter fool.    JACK: That penguin last night, is he one of them?    ROSE: Penguin? Oh, Cal! He is them.    JACK: Is he your boyfriend?    ROSE: Worse I&#39m afraid.    JACK: God! Look at that thing! You would&#39ve gone straight to the bottom.    JACK: So you feel like you&#39re stuck on a train you can&#39t get off &#39cause you&#39re marryin&#39 this fella.    ROSE: Yes, exactly!    JACK: So don&#39t marry him.    ROSE: If only it were that simple.    JACK: It is that simple.    ROSE: Oh, Jack... please don&#39t judge me until you&#39ve seen my world.    JACK: Well, I guess I will tonight.    ROSE: What&#39s this?    JACK: Just some sketches.    ROSE: May I?    ROSE: Jack, these are quite good! Really, they are.    JACK: Well, they didn&#39t think too much of &#39em in Paris.    ROSE: Oh no! Oh, I&#39m so sorry. Truly!    JACK: Don&#39t worry about it. Plenty more where they came from.    JACK: I just seem to spew &#39em out. Besides, they&#39re not worth a damn anyway.    ROSE: (laughing) You&#39re deranged!    ROSE: Well, well...    ROSE: (trying to be very adult) And these were drawn from life?    JACK: Yup. That&#39s one of the great things about Paris. Lots of girls willing to take their clothes off.    ROSE: You liked this woman. You used her several times.    JACK: She had beautiful hands.    ROSE: (smiling) I think you must have had a love affair with her...    JACK: (laughing) No, no! Just with her hands.    ROSE: (looking up from the drawings) You have a gift, Jack. You do. You see people.    JACK: I see you.    ROSE: And...?    JACK: You wouldn&#39t have jumped. <P>    杰克走了,TITANIC沉没了,他们的爱情却永远流传了下来!至尽依然有人在找寻着海洋之星的下落,罗丝为了纪念杰克,把它抛向了大海!在她的脑海里,永远都记得杰克那真挚的眼神和自己对他的承诺!“好好的活下去!”历史终究只是历史,也许是谁也没有去成就谁,也许是因着所有的挫折,让人们明白,那最美丽的爱情,是自己让它们绚丽的赞开~~~~~~</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-9 13:39:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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<B>以下是引用<I>浪漫追风</I>在2005-3-9 9:17:20的发言:</B>是这两个骚搞把船都搞沉了,该死........
发表于 2005-3-10 12:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-14 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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发表于 2005-3-9 09:17:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP归属地: 中国重庆


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